Pablo Rodríguez Guy. «The game of life I». Intaglio/relief. 2006
In the last decades of the 19th century, the first experiments that incorporated relief into graphic work were introduced into engraving. It was the historical avant-gardes of the beginning of the last century that promoted matter as the subject of the work, influencing and driving the transformation of engraving, which absorbed these approaches and translated them into experiments such as Collagraph or Colagraphy. From the 1950s onwards, with the appearance of new acrylic materials, the development of additive techniques in printmaking reached its peak.
Collagraph or collagraphy is an additive technique of engraving and, to a lesser extent, subtractive, as we can also work by removing matter. Another characteristic that differentiates it from traditional processes is that it does not require the action of acids; adhesives are the basic materials for the construction of the matrix. In this workshop we will replace the traditional metal matrices with others made of cardboard, wood or plastic. On these matrices we will incorporate different elements in the form of a collage, being able to continue later with traditional engraving techniques or using other methods, such as pastes that allow them to be moulded during the drying phase.
Rural gravel. Place of Arroyo Coche, Almogía, Málaga.
. Historical background. Relief in engraving.
. Introduction to Collagraph or Collagraphy.
. Description of the development of the workshop. Methods of work.
. Details of the materials to be used.
. Choice and preparation of the matrix.
. Matrices in high and low relief.
. Inorganic materials Organic materials.
. Acrylic gesso. Textured flat areas.
. Liquid plastics.
. Synthetic fixing resins.
. Plate lamination.
. Embossing or dry etching.
. Traditional poupeé printing.
. Simultaneous embossing and relief printing.
. Types of paper.
. Justification of the print run.
. Numbering and signature of the print.
DATE: From 20 to 24 July 2020
PLACE: Workshop / House Los Villares. Lugar Arroyo Coche, 4, 29239 Almogía, Málaga
WORKSHOP HOURS: from 10.30 to 14.00 and from 18.30 to 20.30. (Friday until 14h)
PARTICIPANT PROFILE: Artists, students, teachers and anyone interested in learning printmaking techniques.
No. of PLACES: Maximum 10
COURSE REGISTRATION: 300€. Includes the materials necessary for the development of the workshop.
ACCOMMODATION: Rural house Cortijo Mata del Esparragal. Entrance on Sunday 19th from 19.00 h until Friday 24th (5 nights 75€). Homemade lunch at noon in Bar Balalla (10 € menu). Breakfast at the accommodation and dinner will be organised by all of us.
More information:
Tel. 952 21 01 41 – Marian: 696 58 08 73
To register send an email with your details and brief information about yourself.