«Mutants & Co.» – ( Mutantes y cía ) | Lorenzo Saval

Lorenzo Saval
12.12.2014 / 26.01.2015
Any being that cannot withstand change must not exist because without change life could not evolve.
Art as well as fiction literature is full of mutants, beings that have changed their genetic information and appearance to become something else.
Perhaps the mutants in art are not as visible or recognised as those who soar through the air with exceptional powers in fictional cinema, but they have other mysteries that deserve to be revealed and collage and assembly have been their best means of expression.
Mutantes & Cía is a small sample of the factory in which I have been working for years. In those hangars of the imagination where one tries to build other universes, an infinite number of things are exchanging information. Objects and creatures from the past constantly undergo mutations in order to reach a future where they can be recognised again. They all have their codes of conduct defined in techniques and materials, some are cut out, others drawn, painted or modelled. The rest is genetics.