Box pópuli

Group Exhibition
12.12.2010 / 25.01.2012
Box Pópuli
When we were kids, every time we found a cardboard box, our imaginations would instantly run wild and we could think of a thousand ways to use it. Thick carton was the best; we would carefully unfold it and break it into pieces large enough to sit upon. Sometimes two or three pieces came out that had to be shared and the lucky ones would take theirs to the slide and play for hours, going up and down. We also made houses on the terrace of my house, the cardboard could be easily manipulated and we could make doors and windows on it, draw locks, write sentences, put our name, etc. It would keep us entertained for several hours. We kept the smaller boxes for my brother Pepe who built cars with them. He would accurately cut out pieces for making car bodies, fit plastic pieces into their window openings and attach wheels of other toys.